Posted By Muhammad Haider Kizilbash

Whenever you want to venture into the E-Commerce business, it is best to set a barometer. 

Follow the pointers below before you launch Private Label (PL) at Daraz.   


1. Price Point    

Your price point should be in between PKR.200 to PKR. 800. Remember that the greater the Price Point, the greater is the chance of losses. 200 is the ideal price point! 

Don't hunt expensive products as a new seller. Avoid risky investments. 

2. Identifying gaps in the market 

Try to find out the ‘unavailable’ product which is needed

3. Identify opportunity in the market 

Try to evaluate the potential of the segment and then find your opportunity in it 

4. Products with low competition

Lower competition means higher opportunity and higher success ratio 

5. Products which are evergreen

Hint: Baby Products

Don't consider selling seasonal products like WorldCup merchandise or trending products or jackets!

6. Products which you can arrange inventory

Alert! You CANNOT go out of stock 

7. Sell a minimum of 3 SKUs even if you sell only 1 SKU have at least or minimum 3 variations for it

For e.g. color options
